23 December 2008

"The Mayfield" Conversation Guides

give only those words and phrases which are essential to enable the British Tourist to make himself understood, and are quite free from the bewildering superfluous matter which most guide books contain.
(such as...)

I want to retain a seat in the stage-coach.
Ich will einen Platz nach A- nehmen.

Has the washerwoman returned my things?
Hat die Waschfrau meine Wäsche gebracht?

I wish to hire a horse for - hours.
Ich wünsche ein Pferd für - Stunden.

Will you give me a piece of soap?
Wollen Sie mire ein Stück Seife geben?

Ich will mich waschen.
I wish to wash myself.

Will you give me a candle?
Bitte geben Sie mir eine Kerze.

Those things are for my personal use.
Sie sind für meinen eigenen Gebrauch.

And of course some critical vocabulary for any tourist:

to Deceive



Morocco leather

silk handkerchief
seidenes Taschentuch

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Hey! My name is Kirsty Harnden, and I was just wondering where you found the picture of the book you used to illustrate this blog post? It was written by my great-great-granddad and we have one copy of it, which we found on Amazon some time ago. I'd be interested to know if there was another copy floating around somewhere! My emai is kirstysemail@gmail.com, if you want to email and let me know!
Thanks, Kirsty