16 January 2009

Fuck you Oprah.

So around New Years I read this article in the New York Times about Oprah falling off the weight wagon again, and her saying that people rarely to never change their ways significantly, so new years resolutions are superfluous, most of them expiring within a couple of days.
I have two bad habits, one of which is leaving my clothes on my bedroom floor. Every year I lament this and resolve to do it no longer. Same goes this year.
Contrary to previous years where said habit has indeed reappeared some days after the new year wanes, I now find myself thinking, every time I drop a sock to my inconsolable carpet, about Oprah and her cynical observations. 
Every time.
And I have now gone 16 wonderful days with a floor unfettered by underwear or belt buckle. 
So really perhaps this posting should be called "Thank you, Oprah", although she isn't really who I want to be thinking about when I change into my pajamas at night.

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